John Coltrane, often referred to simply as “Trane,” was a remarkable jazz saxophonist, composer and music innovator whose influence on the world of music remains profound to this day. Born in 1926 in Hamlet, North Carolina, and passing away tragically...
April is Jazz Appreciation Month. Known as JAM, it was created at the Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of American History in 2001 to recognize and celebrate the history of jazz. JAM encourages people of all ages to embrace jazz music by attending concerts,...
Vocalist and composer Michelle Coltrane has performed at the John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival on two occasions. An ambassador for the festival that bears her family name, she continues to perform and record in her ever-evolving career in music. A...
2020 will mark the 10th year the Friends of John Coltrane have organized the John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival. The dates for the anniversary year are Saturday, Sept. 5th and Sunday, Sept. 6th. The Festival brings the world’s top jazz and blues...
The new year 2020 will mark our 10th anniversary of bringing live jazz and blues performed by the world’s top musical artists. So, we take a moment to look back at the last festival through the words of Scott Homewood who attended on Sunday, Sept. 1st and wrote...